Caminhos Cruzados celebrates the end of the 2023 harvest

Caminhos Cruzados celebra o fim das vindimas de 2023
The Caminhos Cruzados winery celebrated an exceptional harvest this year, marked by challenging weather events and surprising results. With a faster than usual vegetative cycle of the vines, phenolic maturation advanced by 15 days, leading to an early harvest.

The months of July and August tested the limits of the vineyards, with high temperatures that threatened the quality of the grapes. In an act of innovation, the Caminhos Cruzados team opted to apply sunscreen to the leaves of the vines, to guarantee their protection and preservation in the face of adverse weather conditions.

During the harvest, a period of unexpected rain forced a temporary pause in activities. However, the grapes recovered quickly, maintaining the exceptional quality that the winery is known for offering.

Compared to last year 2022, the results of this year's harvest are remarkable, with a significant increase in production. The wines from this year's harvest are of high quality. The whites and rosés stand out for their freshness and aromatic intensity, while the reds, in turn, promise a strong color intensity, aromas of fresh fruit and delicate floral notes, ensuring a lot of balance in the mouth.

Caminhos Cruzados is proud to offer connoisseurs a harvest that will, without a doubt, be marked in its history, proving that tireless dedication to quality and innovation is the hallmark of the producer who intends, with each bottle, to reinvent Dão.

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