The best time of the year has arrived!

A melhor época do ano chegou!

It is with great joy that we celebrate the arrival of this year's harvest! At this time of celebration and togetherness, we witness the harmony between nature and the hard work in the vineyards. With a commitment to the winemaking tradition of each region where we are present, our properties in the Douro, Dão and Alentejo welcome the harvest, marking the beginning of a period of dedication and care for our rich cultural heritage.

In this environment, we invite everyone to share in these harvests a moment that praises the essence of wine and the art of viticulture.

At Quinta da Pacheca , the vineyards become a stage of joy with the arrival of the harvest, marking the beginning of the celebration. In September, visitors can choose between two different programs, one more diversified, with a cost of 105 euros per person which includes: starting at 10:00 am with a traditional mata-bicho (onion broth, grilled sardines in corn bread, harmonized with wines from Pacheca); visitors will have the opportunity to equip themselves with straw hats, scarf, cutting scissors and bucket. The work in the vineyards lasts an hour and a half and ends at 12:30 pm, when the traditional wine press is scheduled. The treading of the grapes lasts an hour and then there is a guided tour of the property. After the visit, a typical harvest lunch is served and participants will have the opportunity to participate in a wine tasting. The second option costs 40 euros per person and includes: guided tour of the vineyard, mills, old cellar and wine cellar, accompanied by a wine tasting. Then, work begins in the wine presses with the treading of grapes, where participants will be able to equip themselves with shorts and t-shirts and a locker room to change clothes.

To participate, you must book in advance via email: or 254 331 229.

In Dão, there is no more magical and inspiring moment than the arrival of the harvest! At Caminhos Cruzados , it is time to celebrate nature in its splendor, to connect with the earth and to create memories that will last forever.

This year, the winery has prepared different programs with different activities. During the month of September, which may extend until October, there are three options that visitors can choose from. The first is the grape harvest, followed by a guided tour and wine tasting, starting at 11:00 am with the delivery of a t-shirt, hat, scissors and bucket to start work in the vineyards. At 12:00 there is a visit to learn about the wine production and vinification process and then a tasting of 3 wines to finish, with a cost of 35 euros per person.

The second program costs 50 euros per person, starting with a Beirão breakfast, at 10:30 am, with wine, juices, coffee, teas, cheeses, sausages, fruits and regional balls. At 11:00 am, the harvest, visit and tasting to conclude.

The last option is more diversified, where the experience begins at 10:30 am with breakfast from Beira, the grape harvest, visit to the cellar, ending with a lunch with wine pairing, consisting of 2 starters, main course and dessert, having a total cost of 80 euros per person.

For reservations, prior booking of services in writing is required, as well as confirmation of the final number of participants. For more information about the conditions, please contact

In the serene and bucolic landscape of Herdade da Rocha , the ancestral rituals of the harvest come to life every year in a scenario of tranquility and peace. This year, the harvest program includes a guided tour of the vineyards and the winery, the treading of the grapes, an animal-killing snack, the cutting of the grapes and a regional lunch, paired with the property's wines, at a cost of 80 euros per person. .

Herdade da Rocha invites everyone on an unforgettable journey into the world of wines. Participants can experience the union between nature and man through the grape harvest, where simplicity and authenticity are present. In addition, tradition comes to life with the practice of treading the grapes, which marks a truly traditional setting, where each step will result in quality wines that are different from ordinary Alentejo wines. This opportunity is ideal for those looking for an immersive experience that celebrates nature and the art of making fine wines.

For reservations and information about this year's harvest programme, please contact or call 914 700 674.

Still in Alentejo, in Vidigueira, Ribafreixo Wines decided to further enrich the centuries-old tradition of harvesting by opening its doors to visitors who wish to immerse themselves in the world of wines and participate in this unique experience. From August to September, from Tuesday to Friday, the public can participate in the grape harvest and immerse themselves in the world of viticulture alongside experienced professionals. The program costs 75 euros per person and includes grape cutting, classic tasting of three wines and a traditional lunch, with gazpacho or tomato rice with petingas, accompanied by red and white wines from Ribafreixo, in addition to providing an engaging perspective on the work behind every bottle of wine. The property provides visitors with scissors, a bucket, a hat and a t-shirt that celebrate and immortalize their passage through the producer of Vidigueira.

For bookings, information about the program and schedules:

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Vinhos Verdes e Algarve estão na mira do grupo dono da Quinta da Pacheca e que prepara vários outros investimentos.
Conheça a nova marca de vinhos Ribafreixo